1、 什么是微图(Microstock photo)
微图图片库-Microstock photo 是一种以低价和自由版权方式销售图片的方式,它的概念来源于 ‘micropayment stock photography’,意指微利图片,而传统的图片库因此被称为“Macrostock”,图片库-stock photograph 是一个没有明确定义但已经被普遍接受的概念,是相对于接受特定任务而拍摄的摄影方式而言,而stock photo 意思是摄影师先拍摄然后出售的方式。微图市场是传统图片产业-Stock Photography的一部分。
传统的stock photos图片都是以几百美金的高价出售的,通过大的图片机构以目录列表和CD方式进行出售。Stock photos 必须有模特签约授权并且不能有可识别的品牌和商标,这点同样适用于微图图片。Stock photographs 可以按照无约束版权和限制版权方式出售,限制版权方式(rights managed)对图片使用的时间、次数、期限和地区都有明确限定,而无约束版权(Royalty free)图片没有这些限制。Microstock photo全部是自由版权(Royalty free)方式。
Microstock 和 stock photography的主要区别:
- 图片以低价销售 - 这种低价的程度甚至导致客户一次购买很多图片以平衡图片交易费用。
- 图片来源更加广泛 - 任何人都可以成为图片供应者,而不像传统图片市场只限于少数专业摄影师。
- 图片来源通过互联网 - 基于web 方式或 FTP技术图片供应者可以随时上传提供图片。
Microstock对低端stock photography市场构成了很大冲击,中小客户通过微利图片可以节省很多现金,大的客户为了品牌独特性不会因为节省开支而选择微图方式, Microstock创造了图片购买市场新的领地,很多组织在第一时间购买廉价的微图图片。然而,也有很多反面的看法认为微图影响和扰乱了图片库产业。
Microstock对传统图片产业带来了很大冲击,职业摄影师因此受到很大影响,而微图对普通摄影爱好者来说具有完全不同的意义。 但任何新事物都会带来双重的影响,一方面冲击和消弱旧的方式和体系,另一方面转换和创造新的可能性。
摄影爱好者和发烧友往往有很大的热情,其中有很多人非常有潜力和创造力,由于没有专业渠道和市场途径,有很多优秀的作品积压在摄影爱好者手中,或仅仅是在 网络或论坛给大家展示,无法发挥图片的商业价值。 微图显然为这些有更多追求的业余摄影师提供了新的机会,通过microstock agent的客户基础,利用网络的便利,将大量有商业价值的图片提供到市场上无疑让广大业余摄影师大受鼓舞。微图为优秀业余摄影师进入市场提供了一种商业 途径,虽然其中有很多问题需要解决,但这种方式一定有广阔的前景。
摄影爱好者保存照片无数,尤其是用数码的朋友,都有海量的图片,而其中有很多照片都是有商业价值的,怎么来发掘自己图片的商业价值, 并 将这种价值变现,甚至开始自由摄影师之路呢? 一个简单有效的办法的是注册微图网站进行出租和销售。把爱好变为收入是很享受的事情,摄影爱好者除了参加摄影比赛,很难将照片价值发挥出来,而微图网络 图片销售将成为一个有效的途径。 另外通过图片网站,可以把握图片市场的需求、学习和提高摄影水平、交流拍摄经验,可以寻找到更广阔的摄影之路。
1、找到最好的微图代理机构:TOP Microstock Agency
目前微图代理机构有很多,找到销售最好、效率最高的图片网对新人来说非常重要,可以避免浪费时间精力达到最好的效果。以同时适合普通发烧友和专业摄影师的 标准看,国外图片网排名前几位的几家包括:shutterstock、dreamstime、istockphoto等,由于评论标准不同,排名也许不 同,但下面这几家是目前业界公认比较好的:
- Shutterstock :http://submit.shutterstock.com/
- iStockphoto :http://www.istockphoto.com
- Dreamstime :http://www.dreamstime.com
- Fotolia: http://www.Fotolia.com
- Stockxpert: http://www.Stockxpert.com
- 123RF:http://www.123rf.com
- BigStockphoto: http://www.bigstockphoto.com
- Crestock: http:// www.crestock.com
国内也有一些图片网,像时代图片(phototime), 国内图片网上传一般没太多限制,审核不严,但照片卖出去比较难。要拍出好的照片才可以,照片售价相对国外微图网站要高。 时代图片的网站地址:www.phototime.cn
下面几个统计表是微图界著名的摄影师 Yuris 根据自己的收入给出的微图网排名,比较有代表性:
Income Primo 2008
Income Late 2008
Uploading time compared to income, (Primo 2008)
Yuris:This survey was done by members of my crew as well as independent testers and was highly significant (p <>
The most cost-efficient (time spent uploading vs income) agency to upload to is Shutterstock, followed by StockXpert and Fotolia. The least cost-efficient is Snapvillage and Istock. This does not mean that you should not submit to these agencies, but just that you should take this into consideration if you have to do all the uploading yourself. The Yuri Arcurs Distribution Network does keywording as well as uploading for very good stock photographers joining microstock. Read the requirements and find out if this could be you (post almost ready)
最好从拍摄自己喜欢和擅长的主题开始,拍摄前做好规划,可以在网站搜索一下销售最好的图片,察看你所拍摄主题的相关优秀图片,看哪些图片销售比较好,哪些数量已经足够多足够好,哪些类型图片比较少,找到拍摄的重点。 无论哪一个网站,最受欢迎的无疑都是人物和商业类图片。
- 自有版权 - 必须是自己拍摄,并是图片的拥有者。
- 足够好的画质 - 所有的图片代理商都会从技术角度审核图片,而且在网站中会有详细的图片要求说明,而各个网站的审核执行标准也不尽相同,在一个代理商被拒绝,也许会在另一个网站被接受。
- 具有商业价值 - 你拍摄的图片是否能迎合商业需求,不仅仅是取决于拍摄技巧、摄影主题或其它单一因素,而是需要一种综合的感觉,需要多跟踪和研究市场上最受关注的图片特点和选题方向。
- 授权 - 这点毋庸多言,一定要和模特签授权,物品也要和拥有者签订授权协议。
需要准备好的编辑软件, Adobe Photoshop 和 Apple Aperture 是最多使用的工具,也有一些免费的应用软件,这里可以找到一些: many free alternatives 。
- 抹去商标和品牌标识 - 任何在100%比例有可识别商标的图片都会被拒绝。
- 抹去斑点和不理想的画面 - 这对图片质量是必要的提升。
- 降噪处理 - 这是图片被拒绝的常见原因,可以使用去噪工具去除噪点。
多数代理机构都支持PAYPAL, Moneybookers 和支票,建议注册Paypal或moneybooker,这样转款比支票快,Moneybookers 比Paypal支持更多的国家。Paypal转款很快,你也可以绑定银行账户将钱转出,或者直接用Paypal在网络上购买商品。下面有一些介绍。
不一定要在很多图片网注册,选择几家最好,效率最高的进行注册,因为上传、编辑图片需要大量时间,你不能有那么多时间,除非你做到象YURIS那样的水平可以雇人处理图片。每家网站情况不尽相同,可以注册几个主要的都尝试一下,然后选择出重点,比如, iStockphoto 审核比较严,速度非常慢, shutterstock 审核相对也比较严,但审核速度非常快,建议从审核快的网站开始。
几乎所有图片机构都提供FTP方式上传图片,这样可以大大提高效率。如果注册了多个网站,要把图片整理分类清楚,有效地上传。 FTP 上传工具有很多,比如:cuteFTP, filezilla 等。
API | a technology that allows programs and websites to interact. Application Programming Interface |
Editorial | news photos which don’t require releases and are sold with different license conditions |
Extended License | an expensive (and thus more lucrative) license with more generous conditions |
IPTC | the title, description and keyword information that can be embedded into photos. International Press Telecommunications Council |
License | what a buyer gets when they pay for a photo. See Royalty Free, Rights Managed and Editorial. |
License Fee | what the buyer pays for a license |
Macrostock | high priced and exclusive stock photography, also known as traditional stock photography |
Microstock | low priced and inclusive stock photography |
Midstock | stock photography priced between microstock and macrostock |
Model Release | legal document which models sign to give the photographer permission to use and sell photos containing their image |
Property Release | legal document which property owners sign to give photographers permission to use and sell photos containing their property |
Rights Managed | a license that restricts usage by time, geography and purpose, and only used in the macrostock market |
Royalty | the fee paid to the photographer for sale/license of an image |
Royalty Free | a license that offers usage unrestricted by time or geography, used in microstock and macrostock markets |
Sell-through Rate | a performance metric that measures the quantity of photos in a portfolio that have sold |
Stock Photography | a market for photos where the photos are created first and sold second |
Vector | an illustration file format that can be infinitely resized |
Watermark | a partially transparent branding of a photo to discourage theft |
找 到一些你容易拍摄的东西,你的爱好,你的家人、朋友等等你熟悉和容易接触的对象,这样会很自然和真实。 找到你的风格和特长并坚持下去,不断发现新的创造力。尽量不要模仿和复制别人的创意,找到新的东西并运用自己的理解去拍摄。模仿和复制别人不利于形成和打 造你自己的风格。
- 旅游图片,特殊的地方和极端自然环境
- 老人,很老的老人
- 当代时尚图片
- 警察,军队和世界各地的政府人员
- 除美元和欧元之外的各种钱币
- 航空图片
- 生活图片,温馨和低对比度的生活图片
- 高质量的梦幻般的全景图片
- 运动和现场图片
- 艺术化的生活方式
- 模特之外的自然人像
- 商业人物图片
- 白色背景影棚人像
- 笔记本电脑为背景的图片
- 裸体
- Spa 图片
- 治疗图片
- 简单背景图片和单独的树木一类图片
- 沙滩
- Shutterstock: Top 50 images ever
- Shutterstock: Top 50 images This Week
- Shutterstock: Top 100 image searches
- iStockphoto: Most Popular Files
- Big Stock Photo: Most Popular
- Dreamstime: Latest Images
- Dreamstime: Popular Images
- Fotolia: Top sales from the beginning of time
- Fotolia: Top sales last 30 days
- Fotolia: Top sales last 7 days
- Fotolia: Top sales today
- 123RF: Discover
- Can Stock Photo: Top 10
- FeaturePics: Top Searches
- SnapVillage: Browse Snappiness
- Panthermedia: Images of the week
- Panthermedia: Images of the month
- Blog for Photography News
- Panthermedia: Editorial recommendations
- Panthermedia: Top random images
- Panthermedia: Images sold
- Alamy: Customer search activities
- Cutcaster: Photo Spotlights
- Cutcaster: Editors Pick
- Crestock: Browse Popular images
- Albumo: Most Downloaded
- MostPhotos: Toprated
- MostPhotos: What's selling
- ScandinavianStockPhoto: Best Sellers
- ScandinavianStockPhoto: Favorite Images
- StockRiot: Most Popular
- MicroStockPhoto: Most Popular
- ImageCatalog: Most Popular
Stock Agency | Comment |
Big Stock Photo | |
Dreamstime | |
Shutterstock |
- 关键字:keywording
- 上传离线工具:Deepmeta for iStockphoto: http://www.deepmeta.com/
- 通用的 model release(by Yuris):
universal minor model release
universal property model release
- 支票支付
- PAYPAL 转帐兑现
注 册paypal的地址:www.paypal.com。要用美国的paypal网站,不要用国内的paypal,因为收不了美元。注册paypal要在 paypal账户里添加双币信用卡或多币种储蓄卡。首先将自己帐号的钱转入paypal,然后可以直接将美元从paypal转入你的银行卡。 PAYPAL的手续费大约30美金。
AfterCapture.com provides online multimedia resources for the photographic professional. In addition to archives of AfterCapture’s print articles, AfterCapture.com provides original online content, tutorials, blogs, and audio and video podcasts.
Rangefinder is the premier monthly magazine for the professional photographer.
PCPhoto is a top digital photography magazine. Get the latest news, equipment reviews and previews, photography tips and more.
Digital Photo Pro
The guide to advanced technology and creativity.
Online magazine that features artists and group exhibits.
JPG Magazine
JPG Magazine is for people who love imagemaking without attitude. It's about the kind of photography you get when you love the moment more than the camera. It's for photographers who, have found themselves online, sharing their work, and would like to see that work in print.
Making Room
MakingRoom is a magazine about the process, intention and results of image-making.
Milk Bar
Milk Bar is an independent and privately founded project which purpose is to be a show-case for those artists who found in photography the way to express their art.
Featuring photography and music by international artists. mooncruise* is an independent and privately funded project devoted to featuring progressive artists.
PopPhoto database of digital camera reviews includes must-know information on today's hottest digital SLRs, superzooms, compacts, and SLR lenses. Compare prices, zero in on the specs you want and become a better photographer! Photography magazines American Photo and Popular Photography and Imaging showcase digital camera reviews and film lens tests, photo software, photo contests, SLR tutorials and photographer forums.
Everywhere Magazine celebrates the belief that travel is all around you. Designed for people looking for authentic world experiences, Everywhere magazine gives a voice to travelers worldwide who wish to tell their stories and share their favorite places.
PDN Online
Photo District News - Covers breaking news stories and delivers in-depth features on the photo industry.
CreativePro.com has been giving creative professionals free information, education, inspiration, and peer communication since 1999. CreativePro.com helps you work more productively, create better products, make new client connections, and interact with others in the field so you can be more profitable and more satisfied with your career.
ImagingInfo.com - Digital Photography Product Reviews, How-tos, News, Techniques for Professional Photographers, Photofinishers, & Retailers - Studio Photography & PTN
Outdoor Photographer
The magazine for outdoor photographers with passion for scenic, travel, wildlife, and sport photography.
Cameratown developing the photographer in you - It is filled with tutorials, latest news, hot deals and much more.
Daily Awards, DPChallenge, Better Photo, Pilsner Urquell International Photography Awards, Steves Digicams POTD, Wetpixel Photo of the Week Contest, Imaging Resource POTD, SoaPhoto, A Singular Creation, Smithsonian Magazine Annual Photo Contest, World Press Photo Contest, Pictures Of The Year International, APA National Photo Competition, The Art of Photography Show
GIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed piece of software for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring. It works on many operating systems, in many languages.
PhotoFiltre is a complete image retouching program.
This gallery software makes web albums of your digital images. JAlbum aims to be the easiest to use and most powerful tool in this category - and free!
Picasa is a free software the is helping you with locating and organizing your photos, edit and add effect to you photos, and more.
Autostitch is stitching photos for you together.
IrfanView is a very fast, small, compact and innovative graphic viewer / editor.
Opanda PhotoFilter
Opanda PhotoFilter includes more then 100 types of color filter. Very easy to use.
Opanda IExif
Opanda IExif is helping you to viewing and editing the IExif data.
Flash Slideshow Maker
Flash Slideshow Maker is a Flash slide show creator to make animated photo slide shows , flash banner, flash widget and image scroller for website, blog, MySpace, facebook
SimpleViewer is a free, customizable Flash image viewing application. There are also variation like the PostcardViewer, AutoViewer, and TiltViewer available.
You will find here many multimedia tool. There is also a large selection of free Digital Camera Tools.
If you want an macro image with everything in perfect focus than CombineZM can help you with this. Take multiple shots of the same object with different parts in focus. CombineZM can merge these shot together and create an image with everything in focus.
Picturenaut is an easy to handle HDRI generator with tone-mapping.
Traumflieger-DRI-Tool (German language website)
Traumflieger-DRI-Tool merges images with different exposures.
Cinepaint is based on GIMP and is making it possible to edit single images with a color depth up to 48 bit. You can find next to the classic tools like retouch and image optimization tools to create HDR images with advanced contrast amplitude.
Qtpfsgui is a open source project for and HDR generator.
FDRTools Basic
FDRTools Basic is a freeware HDR generator
EasyHDR Basic
EasyHDR BASIC is much less featured than easyHDR PRO. There are implemented only the simplest and most basic HDR generation and tone mapping functions. However this version is free
PC Inspector File Recovery
PC Inspector File Recovery is a data recovery program that supports the FAT 12/16/32 and NTFS file systems.
PC Inspector Smart Recovery
PC Inspector smart recovery is the new data recovery program from CONVAR for Flash Card, Smart Media, SONY Memory Stick, IBM Micro Drive, Multimedia Card, Secure Digital Card or any other data carrier for digital cameras.
Cushy Stock
Cushy Stock is a Stock Photo Management Software that helps you with your organizations and workflow. Special features are: multiple agency FTP, multiple agency financial tracking, image status tracking, and much more.
Raw Therapee
Raw Therapee is a free RAW converter and digital photo processing software
FotoSketcher is a freeware program to convert your digital photos into art automatically. It can convert your image into a painting, a sketch or a drawing.
1 条评论:
http://www.fotolia.com 我注册了,但是怎么找不到什么地方可以请款啊?如果赚钱了,怎么才能提款呢?谢谢